Sunday, May 23, 2021

My second hour long run

 I am on the border of feeling disappointed with not having any progress in the last 4months. So I've been running for 5 months. In the first run I had a ton of progress. First of all the first two weeks I just had an asthma attack. By the time it was over, I would go for another run and come back home and just not breath again. I was also pretty sure that it was not caused by my running. Until I just realized it was caused by my running.

But I was hoping for more progress with my asthma after that. I was hoping that I would go for runs and know when I need my inhaler... But I still don't. So I'm disappointed that I'm still out of breath, I still can't run longer than a couple of minutes... I'm disappointed that 5 months in and I still don't know how to breathe. Because i can't implement all the breathing tips... At some point I thought maybe it would help if I was lighter. I lost 5kg as soon as I started and then nothing. But then I gained 3 kg when I started going for a 2k run everyday. And then there was no change in that.

As soon as I decided that the 2k runs are just not cutting it, and started going on 5k runs, I went down those 3 kg again. And was more or less stabilized at 80kg. But then again nothing else changed and I was just left there. 

I decided I will not give up though.

So I decided to focus on one goal that I can kind of control. So I can't control my lungs and I can't control my weight. But I want to run a marathon. So I changed my approach. No more 5 k runs. I will now start running one hour runs. I already went on one before this and today was my second hour run. 

I covered a little more than 7kilometers. These are the longest distances I ever run. So I'm excited about that least.  During the run I thought about quitting a few times. I thought about it as soon as I started. I started planning my exit. I thought I can do 2k and just finish. But then I thought I already tried the lazy way and it didn't work. So I'm going to keep at it. About half way through and nearing the end of my first loop I thought I'm near my house so I can call it quits. But when I saw the door to my house I felt like I had more in me. So I thought I would just keep in the street where my sister would come home from, so that when she arrives I will hitch a ride and help carry the groceries inside. But my sister didn't come until my hour was up. So that's how I ended up making it an hour. At some point the ball of my foot hurt, but I remembered when I used to work at the restaurant, and at the beginning of each season my feet would hurt, but I knew this pain lasts for a few days, so I just used to ignore it and then my feet got stronger and there was no pain anymore. So I thought to approach this the same way. Around 50 minutes in I realized that the pain became numbness that started in the ball of my foot and took over my two middle toes. But I only had another 10 minutes so I thought it would be ok.

-I started with a 5 minute dynamic warmup

-2 pumps of ventolin after that, before my run.

- 2 pumps of ventolin around the 5th kilometer.

I had an allergic asthma reaction a few hours before my run, but I managed to control it, so going into the run I was just fine.

I have another 4-5 posts about my previous runs, but I haven't finished them and I think it would be more useful for me to just let go of them, post this one and just keep posting now on. So here is my post after a few unposted ones. Here we go...

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My second hour long run

 I am on the border of feeling disappointed with not having any progress in the last 4months. So I've been running for 5 months. In the ...